Proud to be part of the
Co-op Academies Trust
A Warm Welcome
From our Headteacher
Sam Moncaster, Headteacher
It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to all of you to Co-op Academy Grange. As the Headteacher, I am delighted to lead this rapidly improving school and work alongside our dedicated staff to provide an exciting learning experience for our students.
We’re excited to share with you our Celebration Newsletter for the first term of this academic year. Inside, you'll find highlights of the fantastic range of opportunities and experiences our students have embraced so far. From memorable events to student achievements, the newsletter sh...
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Please see the Parent/Carer Newsletter for the week ahead. If you would like the newsletter in an alternative format, please contact us. See attached for Urdu/Slovak translations.
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The school safeguarding team is well trained. Leaders have increased the size of this team to build its capacity and to support the wider pastoral team. Staff know pupils well and understand their needs.
Leaders have prioritised personal, social and health education in all year groups. Pupils talk with increasing confidence about issues such as equality.
The school safeguarding team is well-trained. Leaders have increased the size of this team to build its capacity and to support the wider pastoral team. Staff know pupils well and understand their needs.