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CAG - Looked after Children Policy



Cared For Children (CfC)/ Looked After Children (LAC) and Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) Policy

Policy details:

  • Date created - 08/11/2024
  • Next review date - 08/11/2025

The Bradford Virtual school headteacher is Jonathan Cooper

01274 436401

The designated teacher for CfC/ LAC and previously LAC is Claire Bailey [Grange]

The SENDCO is Samantha Thompson [Grange] 

Dan Evans from Jan 2025


  1. Purpose
  2. Rationale
  3. Definitions
  4. Duties and Responsibilities of the Governing Body/Board
  5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Head Teacher/Principal/CEO
  6. The Role of the Designated Teacher
  7. Duties and Responsibilities of all staff
  8. Duties and responsibilities of the Virtual School
  9. Personal Education Plan (PEP)
  10. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  11. Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  12. Outside Agencies

  1. Purpose

To promote the educational achievement and welfare of Cared For/ Looked After  (CfC/ LAC) and Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) within Co-op Academy Grange.

  1. Rationale

Looked After and Previously Looked After Children (LAC and PLAC) start with the disadvantage of their previous pre-care experiences, often resulting in disrupted learning and missed extended periods of school. In addition, many have special educational needs. The gaps in their learning and, in many cases, the emotional impacts of their experiences are likely to become significant barriers to their learning.

Educational achievement and subsequent life chances for CFC/ LAC and previously LAC are of real concern. Students who are looked after may require special treatment and additional attention in order to improve their life chances. Co-op Academy Grange endeavours to provide positive experiences and offer stability, safety, and individual care and attention for all our students.

The statutory guidance, ‘The Designated Teacher for Looked-After and Previously Looked-After Children’  DfE, 2018, extended the statutory role of the Designated Teacher to include Previously Looked After Children because when children cease to be looked after, their educational needs are unlikely to have changed significantly because their care status has changed.

Attainment data for CfC/ LAC and PLAC shows that these pupils do not perform as well at Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 when compared to non LAC so this academy aims to close that gap. Helping Cared For/ Looked After and Previously Looked After Children succeed and providing a better future for them is a key priority for this academy.

This academy’s approach to supporting the educational achievement of Cared For Children/ Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children is based on the following principles:

  • Prioritising education and having high expectations
  • Listening to the voice of the pupil and advocating for them
  • Promoting attendance and reducing exclusions
  • Supporting transition from one class to another
  • Targeting support with early intervention and priority actions
  • Promoting inclusion through challenging and changing attitudes
  • Achieving stability and continuity
  • Promoting health and wellbeing
  • Working in partnerships with parents, carers, Social Workers, Virtual Schools and other professionals
  • Responding to the individual developmental needs of children and young people as appropriate

With this in mind, we aim to:

  • Encourage students to reach their potential and to make good progress in relation to their professional, social and emotional development.
  • Ensure that students enjoy high quality teaching and a curriculum which meets their needs and the requirements of legislation.
  • Plan support for CfC/LAC realistically and using the academy’s resources efficiently in order to ensure the academy meets their needs.
  • Promote a positive culture in all aspects of academy life.
  • Help students develop their cultural, moral and social understanding

  1. Definitions

For the purposes of this policy:

  • A child ‘looked after by the local authority’ is one who is Looked After within the meaning of section 22 of Children Act 1989 or Part 6 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.
  • A Previously Looked After Child is one who is no longer looked after in England and Wales because they are the subject of an adoption, special guardianship order or child arrangements order

Schools must ensure that evidence of Previously Looked After Status is obtained that meets the statutory definition outlined above.

  1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Governing Body

  • Identify a nominated Governor for CfC/LAC and PLAC
  • Ensure that all Governors are fully aware of the legal requirements and guidance on the education of CfC/ LAC and PLAC
  • Ensure that the academy has a Designated Teacher, and that the Designated Teacher has appropriate seniority, professional experience and training to carry out their responsibilities of promoting the educational achievement of CfC/LAC and PLAC.
  • Ensure all policies support the needs of this cohort.
  • Be aware that Ofsted will focus on CfC/ LAC and PLAC during Inspections and may audit PEPs.
  • Ensure that resources are allocated to support appropriate provision for LAC and that they receive the full range of support to which they are entitled to enable them to make progress.
  • Ensuring the academy has a coherent policy for CfC/ LAC and PLAC.
  • Reviewing the academy’s policies and procedures in conjunction with legislation and statutory guidance.
  • Ensuring CfC/ LAC and PLAC have equal access to all areas of the curriculum and that reasonable adjustments are made, if necessary.
  • Reviewing the annual report produced by the designated teacher to evaluate the progress of CfC/ LAC and PLAC in the academy.
  • Ensuring they receive feedback from the principal regarding the effectiveness of the policy on an annual basis.


  • Monitor the academic progress of CfC/ LAC and PLAC through an annual report or information produced by the Designated Teacher to be shared with Governors and the Virtual School for monitoring purposes.
  • Ensure that CfC/ LAC and PLAC are given top priority when applying for places in accordance with the academy’s admissions criteria.
  • Understand the impact Pupil Premium+ has in supporting the needs of CfC/ LAC and PLAC and ensure it is used to meet their needs.
  • Work to prevent exclusions and reduce time out of academy, by ensuring policies and procedures are flexible enough and inclusive to ensure CfC/ LAC and PLAC enjoy their time in education, by recognising the extra problems caused by exclusion.
  • Support the CEO/Principal/Headteacher, Designated Teacher and other staff in ensuring that the needs of CfC/ LAC and PLAC are recognised and met.

Receive a report once a year setting out as a minimum:

1. The number of CfC/ LAC and Pre LAC pupils on the school/Academy’s roll (if any).

2. Their attendance, as a discreet group, compared to other pupils.

3. Their EYFS/KS1/2/GCSE results achieved, as a discreet group, compared to other pupils.

4. The attainment and progress of CfC/ LAC and PLAC

5. PEP completion and use of Pupil Premium+

6. The number of Fixed Term Exclusions (if any).

7. The destinations of pupils who leave the academy.

  1. Duties and responsibilities of the Headteacher or Principal

  • Identify a Designated Teacher for CfC/ LAC and PLAC and ensure they receive at least two days training per year as outlined in statutory documentation.
  • Ensure that procedures are in place to monitor the admission, progress, attendance and any exclusion of CfC/ LAC and PLAC and take action where progress, conduct or attendance is below expectations.
  • Ensure that all staff receive relevant training and are aware of their responsibilities under this policy and related guidance.
  • Ensure that CfC/ LAC and PLAC receive careers advice that is documented and takes into account their talents and interests.
  • Allowing the Designated Teacher the time and facilities to succeed in carrying out their duties.
  • Overseeing this policy and monitoring its implementation, feeding back to the governing body annually on the following:
  • The number of CfC/ LAC and previously-LAC in the academy
  • An analysis of assessment scores as a cohort, compared to other pupil groups
  • The attendance of CfC/ LAC and previously-LAC, compared to other pupil groups
  • The level of fixed term and permanent exclusions, compared to other pupil groups
  • Ensuring all members of staff are aware that supporting CfC/ LAC is a key priority.
  • Promoting actively challenging negative stereotypes of CfC/ LAC.

  1. The Role of the Designated Teacher for CfC/ LAC and PLAC

Government Guidance states that the Designated Teacher must be ‘someone with sufficient authority to make things happen, who should be an advocate for Looked After Children, assessing services and support, and ensuring that the school shares and supports high expectations for them’ -Promoting the Education of looked-after and previously looked-after children. DfE Statutory Guidance 2018

The Designated Teacher for CfC/ LAC and PLAC will;

  • Be a qualified teacher working at the school as a teacher or a Head Teacher or Acting Head Teacher of the school with lead responsibility for this cohort
  • Advocate for children in this cohort and hold them in mind during decision making
  • Be a central point of contact for parents/carers and professionals within the school ensuring a warm welcome and smooth induction for pupils and their parent/carer.
  • Track and monitor academic progress and target support appropriately liaising with the SENCo as necessary.
  • Have lead responsibility for the development and implementation of CfC/ LAC and PLAC’s PEPs at least once per term and plan for continuity and meeting Pre LAC’s educational needs
  • Promote a whole school culture where the personalised learning needs of CfC/ LAC and PLAC are met and be a source of advice for teachers and staff
  • Undertake appropriate training (at least 2 days per year) and take lead responsibility for ensuring school staff understand what can affect how CfC/ LAC and PLAC learn and achieve
  • Develop and review whole school policies and procedures to include the needs of CfC/ LAC and PLAC
  • Ensure that PLAC children are eligible for support by considering the evidence of their Pre LAC status.
  • Have a leadership role in promoting the educational achievement of every CfC/ LAC and PLAC by being responsible for the impact of the PP+ and build trust with parents/carers about the deployment of this.

  1. Duties and Responsibilities of all Staff

All our staff will:

  • Have high aspirations for educational and personal achievement of CfC/ LAC and PLAC
  • Advocate for CfC/ LAC and PLAC and ensure they are supported sensitively.
  • Listen to the voice of the pupil and respond positively to a pupil's request to be the named member of staff to whom they may talk with.
  • Work to enable CfC/ LAC and PLAC to achieve stability within the academy.
  • Have an understanding of the key issues that affect the learning of CfC/ LAC and PLAC and actively promote their self-esteem.
  • Be aware that many CfC/ LAC and PLAC say they are bullied, so work to prevent bullying in line with the academy’s policy.
  • Work at a level commensurate with the pupil’s developmental stage not just their chronological age.

  1. Duties and responsibilities of the Virtual School

The virtual school head (VSH) is responsible for:

  • Monitoring the attendance and educational progress of the children their authority looks after.
  • Ensuring that arrangements are in place to improve the education and outcomes of the authority’s CfC/ LAC and PLAC, including those placed out-of-authority.
  • Building relationships with health, education and social care partners, as well as other partners, so they and the designated teachers understand the support available to CfC/ LAC and PLAC.
  • Working with the academy to ensure all CfC/ LAC in attendance are fully supported in reaching their full potential.
  • Acting as the educational advocate for CfC/ LAC.
  • Acting as a source of advice and information to help parents of previously-LAC as effectively as possible.
  • Ensuring there are effective systems in place to maintain an up-to-date roll of the CfC/ LAC and PLAC who are in academy settings, and gather information about their educational placement, attendance and progress
  • Inform the headteacher and designated teacher if they have a pupil on roll who is looked after by the LA.
  • Ensure social workers, academies, designated teachers, careers and IROs understand their role and responsibilities regarding a pupil’s PEP.
  • Ensure that up-to-date and effective PEPs that focus on educational outcomes are maintained for all CfC/ LAC.
  • Avoid delays in providing suitable educational provision.
  • Ensure the education achievement of CfC/ LAC and PLAC is seen as a priority by everyone who has responsibilities for promoting their welfare.
  • Report regularly on the attainment, progress and academy attendance of CfC/ LAC and PLAC through the authority’s corporate parenting structures.

Working with agencies and the VSH

The academy will ensure that copies of all relevant reports are forwarded to the child’s social workers, in addition to carers or residential social workers. The academy will coordinate their review meetings; for example, hold their annual review of CfC/ LAC with their PEP meeting. The academy will work with other agencies to exchange information such as changes in circumstances, exclusions or attendance issues. Behaviour management strategies will be agreed between the VSH and the academy, to ensure challenging behaviour is managed in the most effective way for that individual child. Individual plans will be written to reduce any need for restraint or reasonable force if the child is deemed vulnerable in this way. The designated teacher for CfC/ LAC and previously-LAC will communicate with the VSH and child’s social worker to facilitate the completion of the PEP. Through the designated teacher, the academy will work with the VSH, social worker and other relevant agencies to monitor any arrangements in place so that actions and activities recorded in the child’s PEP are implemented without delay. The designated teacher will communicate with the VSH and agree on how pupil premium plus (PP+) can be used effectively to accommodate the child’s educational attainment and progress. The academy will work with the VSH to manage allocation of PP+ for the benefit of our cohort of CfC/LAC, or previously-LAC, and according to their needs. The designated teacher will ensure consistent and strong communication with the VSH regarding CfC/ LAC who are absent without authorisation. The academy will share their expertise on what works in supporting the education of CfC/ LAC and previously-LAC.

  1. Personal Education Plan (PEP)

Each looked after child will have a PEP, which is reviewed each term. The PEP is an evolving record of what needs to happen for a student to enable them to make the expected progress and fulfil their potential.

The PEP will reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning which meets the identified educational needs of the child.

The academy will work with other professionals and the child’s carers to use the PEP to support the child’s educational needs, raise the child’s aspirations and improve their life chances.

All relevant bodies, such as the LA, the designated teacher and carers, will involve the child in the PEP process at all stages.

The PEP will address the student's full range of education and development needs, including:

  • On-going catch-up support, which will be made available for children who have fallen behind with work.
  • Suitable education provided by the LA, where the child is not in academy because of suspension or exclusion.
  • Transitional support where needed, such as if a child is moving to a new academy.
  • Academy attendance and behaviour support, where appropriate.
  • Support to achieve expected levels of progress for the relevant national key stage and to complete an appropriate range of approved qualifications.
  • Careers advice, guidance and financial information about FE, training and employment, that has a focus on the child’s strengths, capabilities and the outcomes they want to achieve. Out-of-school hours learning activities, study support and leisure interests.

The PEP contains details of attendance, academic progress, health and emotional well-being, and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The PEP meeting is attended by the child’s foster carers, their parents (if appropriate), their Social Worker and the Designated Teacher. The child is also invited to give their views on their education and progress either as part of the PEP meeting or at a separate time with the Designated Teacher.

During the PEP meeting, the achievements, support needs of the child, and the child’s views are discussed and taken into consideration when planning targets for the coming term. The Designated Teacher must also provide an account of progress made towards the previous term’s targets and where the Pupil Premium+ funding has been spent.

The Designated Teacher is responsible for transition planning when a looked after child is due to change school and will invite a representative from the new setting (ideally the Designated Teacher or SENCo) to a PEP meeting in order to plan for the transition.

  1. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

The SEND Code of Practice states that the majority of looked after children have special educational needs (up to 70%) and this is manifested in a wide range of needs and in addition to this there are often social, emotional and mental health needs which may form a barrier to their learning due to past trauma, attachment issues or PTSD.  Of these, a significant proportion may require SEN Support or have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan as outlined in the graduated response in the SEND Code of Practice.

Support for CfC/ LAC with SEND, who do not need an EHC plan, will be covered as part of the student’s PEP and care plan reviews. The SENDCO, class teacher, designated teacher and specialists will involve parents when considering interventions to support their child’s progress. If appropriate, the VSH will be invited to comment on proposed SEND provision for CfC/ LAC and PLAC.

This academy recognises that some children may have undiagnosed special needs when they start to be Looked After.

As part of the PEP process, there are robust arrangements in place to ensure that any undiagnosed special educational needs are addressed through the SEND framework as soon as possible.

  1. Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs

This academy recognises the impact that early childhood experiences can have upon the SEMH of a child and the role of schools and social networks in changing the neural pathways and impacting on positive outcomes for the child. The Designated Teacher works closely with the Mental Health Support Team to whom pupils can be referred for support with low mood, sleep hygiene, low-level anxiety, poor self-esteem etc. For more serious cases of childhood trauma or mental health issues, the Designated Teacher attends CAMHS network meetings and liases Psychologists,  Social Workers, Foster Carers and Class Teachers in order to ensure that each looked after child has an appropriate level of support in school.


Past experiences of LAC and and previously-LAC will be considered when designing and implementing the academy’s behaviour policy. The academy will have regard to the DfE’s statutory guidance ‘Exclusions from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England’ and, as far as possible, avoid excluding any LAC. Where the academy has concerns about a child’s behaviour, the VSH will be informed at the earliest opportunity. Exclusions will only be considered as a last resort. Where exclusion is considered, the academy will work with the VSH, and others, to consider what additional support can be provided to prevent exclusion, and any additional arrangements that can be made to support the pupil’s education in the event of exclusion. The academy will inform parents that they can seek the advice of the VSH on strategies to support their child to avoid exclusion.

  1. Outside Agencies

The academy works with the following outside agencies in order to support looked after and previously looked after children:

  • The Virtual School
  • Children’s Social Care
  • Mental Health Support Team
  • Educational Psychologist

12. Legal and statuory framework

This policy has due regard to legislation and statutory guidance, including the following:

Equality Act 2010

Children Act 1989

The Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010

Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000

Children and Young Persons Act 2008

Children and Families Act 2014

Children and Social Work Act 2017 DfE (2018)

Keeping Children safe in Education 2023

Promoting the education of looked-after children and previously looked-after children’ DfE (2017)

Exclusions from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England’

This policy operates in conjunction with the following academy policies and documents:

Admissions Policy

Behaviour Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy