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CAG Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2023-2026

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

  1. Academy overview



 Academy name

Co-op Academy Grange

Number of pupils in academy


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)

2023 - 2026

Date this statement was published

December 22nd 2023

Date on which it will be reviewed

December 11th 2023

Statement authorised by

AIB - Co-op Academy Grange

Pupil premium lead

Paul Goodrum

Governor / Trustee lead

Dr C Tomlinson

  1. Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)


Total budget for this academic year

If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year


  1. Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

  2. Statement of intent

Statement of intent

At Co-op Academy Grange we have the highest of expectations of all of our pupils. We do not presume disadvantaged students have certain barriers or attitudes towards their education and we don’t have preconceptions about what disadvantage means. Instead, we want to understand and identify specific barriers and consider how to best provide support. The strategy is built around the pupils' needs rather than what we presume the pupils may need. EEF guidance underpins our pupil premium strategy, we ensure that students have access to high quality teaching, a suite of targeted academic intervention and a range of extracurricular opportunities. We will develop the whole child to overcome every barrier.

Leaders at all levels drive forward this strategy and recognise that high quality teaching and learning is the main priority. We firmly believe that quality first teaching will have the greatest impact on our disadvantaged pupils. We invest the pupil premium funding heavily into staff recruitment to ensure the best practitioners are in place to provide quality first teaching. students.  

Wider student experiences and targeted academic support are key in creating a school community where all students, including disadvantaged students, feel a sense of belonging. We carefully use reading data to ensure disadvantaged students receive support with their reading and we have a holistic whole school approach to reading to ensure that vocabulary is taught explicitly, and reading skills are developed. CEIAG is threaded through the curriculum exposing students to LMI and a range of careers and all students have access to a dedicated careers advisor.

  1. Challenges

  2. This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Detail of challenge


Attendance rates (including Persistent Absentees) for students eligible for Pupil Premium funding over Term 1 2023/2024  were lower - a 5% gap for attendance - 77.5% for PP students - and a gap of 10% for Persistent Absentees). This will impact negatively on the progress and attainment of our disadvantaged cohort.


Students eligible for Pupil Premium funding are disproportionately represented in suspension figures, with nearly two-thirds of suspensions coming from less than half of the school population; our cohort of disadvantaged students. This negatively impacts attendance, attainment and a sense of belonging to the school and community.


Students eligible for Pupil Premium funding, have lower chronological reading ages (70% are below this stage). This will act as a significant barrier to accessing the curriculum and productively engaging in learning. 


As students join us in Year 7, there is an attainment gap on entry. Students eligible for pupil premium funding had an average KS2 score of 102 (compared to the national average of 105). Most recent internal data suggests the gap expands to nearly a whole grade and there is nearly two-thirds of a grade difference between the progress score of pupil premium students at Co-op Academy Grange and similar students nationally.


  1. Intended outcomes

  2. This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Improve attendance for Pupil Premium students and therefore narrow/close the gap between PP and other students.

  • PP attendance improves by 5%
  • PP PA reduces by 10%

Improve attainment and progress of our disadvantaged cohort as a result of our renewed focus on high quality teaching as well as reading, oracy and numeracy strategies

  • Progress score for Year 11 for PP students -0.5
  • Average Attainment 8 score improves by 1.0

Improve the resilience and emotional/self regulation skills of our disadvantaged students, so that suspensions are reduced

  • PP students are not over-represented in suspension rates
  • Attitude to learning scores improve by 0.5 (on a 1-4 scale) from Autumn to Summer term
  • High levels of support and intervention are in place for students who are at risk of suspension

Improve the proportion of PP students who are at or above their chronological reading age

  • >50% of PP students are at or above chronological reading age
  • Establish a reading mentor initiative
  • Devise an intervention program using Reading Plus to improve reading ages.
  1. Activity in this academic year

  2. This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.
  3. Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost

£ 450, 000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number


Recruitment of Lead Practitioners to English, Maths and Science

The EEF key principles identify that ‘good teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve outcomes for disadvantaged pupils’.

EEF research and evidence has shown that ‘great teaching and careful planning can make a huge impact on the outcomes of disadvantaged children.


Recruitment of specialist staff to on-site alternative provision

‘The effects of high-quality teaching are especially significant for students from disadvantaged backgrounds: over a school year, these students gain 1.5 years’ worth of learning with very effective teachers, compared with 0.5 years with poorly performing teachers.’ (Sutton Trust, 2011).


Bespoke internal CPD   sessions led by Lead Practitioners

Targeted questioning improves participation in lessons, engagement, and ultimately Attitude to Learning grades. High-quality feedback raises achievement and has an effect size of 0.7 (Hattie, 2015)

EEF Metacognition - The seven-step model:

  1. Activating prior knowledge
  2. Explicit strategy instruction
  3. Modelling of learned strategy
  4. Memorisation of strategy
  5. Guided practice
  6. Independent practice
  7. Structured reflection


Bespoke ECT CPD sessions led by AHT


National College + staff enrolled on NPQ courses


Use of Walkthrus to support CPD and instructional coaching

One of the most important things that we can do to improve pupil outcomes is to continuously develop the quality of teaching and learning (Higgins et al. 2014)

Designed by Tom Sherrington and Oliver Cavigioli, Walkthrus has drawn from the work of prominent researchers and cognitive scientists including Dylan Wiliam, Barak Rosenshine, Dan Willingham, Graham Nuthall and Efrast Furst.


Deep Dive Curriculum Review

The Research for Education Inspection highlights that achievement is maximised when teachers actively present material and structure taking into consideration cognitive science research, and the use of models and instruction.

“Cognitive science principles of learning can have a significant impact on rates of learning in the classroom. There is value in teachers having some working knowledge of cognitive science principles. “

EEF Cognitive Science in the classroom: Evidence and Practice Review 2021


Introduction of a new Feedback Policy

‘All school leaders understand the importance of providing meaningful feedback. Done well, it supports pupil progress, building learning, addressing

misunderstandings, and thereby closing the gap between where a pupil is and where the teacher wants them to be.’ Teacher Feedback to Improve Pupil Learning | EEF



Development of reciprocal reading strategy and unlocking vocabulary

The Improving Literacy (secondary) evidence report highlights the importance of a focus on prioritising ‘disciplinary literacy’ across the curriculum providing

explicit vocabulary instruction to help students access and use academic language Reading comprehension

strategies are high impact on average (+7 months in secondary) Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools| EEF (


  1. Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost

£ 225,000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Provide online support packages to support students' independent learning.  Effective promotion and monitoring departmentally and the whole school to promote for all students, focusing on those who are classed as pupil premium. (E.g. GCSEPod, Dr Frost Maths)

EEF Toolkit shows a +5 months improvement for homework.


Strategic use of external tuition providers through the NTP to provide regular tuition and intensive courses to close gaps in learning.

EEF Toolkit shows a +4 months improvement for small group tuition.


Use of ART reading tests to assess students’ reading ages and then implement targeted support where there is a need.

By providing time and support for teachers to define high quality reading and oracy, this in turn can be translated into high quality writing in all subjects, depending on the demands of the subject. — ‘What is Disciplinary Literacy and Why Does it Matter?’ by Timothy and Cynthia Shanahan (2012).

EEF Toolkit shows a +6 months improvement for reading comprehension strategies.


Use of online reading program, reading plus, to develop comprehension, vocabulary and fluency.


All staff have high expectations of oracy across the academy. Staff support students in selecting the correct register for communication through reference to the formality scale.

There is evidence to suggest that pupils from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to be behind their more advantaged counterparts in developing early language and speech skills, which may affect their school experience and learning later in their school lives. Given that Oral language interventions can be used to provide additional support to pupils who are behind their peers in oral language development, the targeted use of approaches may support some disadvantaged pupils to catch up with peers, particularly when this is provided one-to-one.EEF research reference:Oral language intervention + 6 months


Fresh Start programme for students who are new to English to rapidly allow better and more comprehensive access to the whole curriculum.

The Ruth Miskin programme is a DFE approved program. The Improving Literacy (secondary) evidence report highlights the importance of a focus on supporting struggling readers through the use of an accredited program.

EEF Toolkit shows a +5 months improvement for phonics.

Studies in England have shown that pupils eligible for free school meals typically receive similar or slightly greater benefit from phonics interventions and approaches. This is likely to be due to the explicit nature of the instruction and the intensive support provided. It is possible that some disadvantaged pupils may not develop phonological awareness at the same rate as other pupils, having been exposed to fewer words spoken and books read in the home. Targeted phonics interventions may therefore improve decoding skills more quickly for pupils who have experienced these barriers to learning.EEF research reference:Phonics +5 months


Continue to engage with programmes such as SHINE and Brilliant club to provide targeted students with additional support in their study skills and other key skills such as presenting.

Mentoring offers a +2 months improvement according to the EEF toolkit.


  1. Wider Strategies

  2. (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost

£ 225,000


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Proportionate allocation of Attendance Team to track and intervene with key groups and students.

Staged response to all students who fall below the trigger points. (contact with parents/ home visits/attendance contract/ attendance panel and fixed penalty notices where applicable.)

Improve the offer at Breakfast Club so students are encouraged to be on time for school in the morning.

Support for students through alternative provision to encourage an increase in daily attendance to an educational setting.

Funding of Jamie’s Farm Programme to engage PP students with low attendance.


Careers Education Support

Y10 PP Students IAG Term 3

Y11 PP Students Prioritised for IAG (RONI List)

Termly Support - AWN

(Minimum 3 Appt. Y11 Next Steps Planning/Applications)

Career Activities (KS3 & KS4)

e.g. Visits/Workshops

Minimum 65% PP Students.

Data shows that when schools meet all eight benchmarks they can expect 10% more students to make a successful transition into further education, training or employment, compared to if no Benchmarks are achieved. This effect doubles to 20% in schools with the most disadvantaged students. Good Careers Guidance


Extracurricular Activities


50% PP participation Dec ‘23

65% PP participation March ‘24

80% PP participation July ‘24

Extracurricular Rewards Jan ‘24 to further support PP engagement.

Recent research on cultural capital argues that extracurricular activities may enhance children's intellectual creativity, breadth, and scope (Kaufman and Gabler, 2004) and moreover that cultural participation may lead to a genuine increase in analytical and academic competence (Kisida et al, 2004)

EEF research, identified through the case study at Limpsfield Grange School, shows that supporting students to access a range of off-site trips and experiences had a positive impact on the engagement and achievement of their disadvantaged students.


Enrichment Opportunities

PP Students to have access to  wider opportunities to enrichment e.g. Internal drop down activities and external enrichment trips & visits.

50% PP participation Dec ‘23

60% PP participation March ‘24

70% PP participation July ‘24


Mentoring Programmes 

Brilliant Club (Y8 HA/PP)

Scholars Programme

Manchester/Sheffield Uni

Envision (Y9 PP)

Employer Supported Mentoring


Employer Supported Mentoring

SHINE (Y9/10 PP)

Mentoring - York University

YAYA (Y10/11 PP)

New College Mentoring (Y10/11) 60% PP

Raising Aspirations

Bradford New College (Y10/11 PP)

Peer Mentoring Programme

Next Steps Ready

Russell Group University (Huddersfield)

Mentoring offers a +2 months improvement according to the EEF toolkit



Think for the Future (years 7-10)

Resilience mentoring-50 PP students 57% PP

 St Giles (Years 7-8)

providing support for students at risk of serious violence - 4 PP students

100% PP

Step2 counselling Y7-11

1:1 counselling - 3 PP students

75% PP

Emerge (Y7-11)

SEMH support - 21 PP students

75% PP

School counsellor Y7-11

17 PP students

85% PP

Youth in Mind Y8-11

13 PP students


Flourished Minds Y8-9

2 PP student

50% PP

Meta-analysis research demonstrates that mentoring is associated with a wide range of favourable behavioural, attitudinal, health-related, relational, motivational, and career outcomes (Eby et al, 2008)


  1. Total budgeted cost

Total budgeted cost


Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

  1. Pupil premium strategy outcomes

  2. This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2022 to 2023 academic year.

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

Level 2 outcomes:












Gap to non-disadvantaged












Gap to non-disadvantaged






% Positive Progress-8






Gap to non-disadvantaged






4+ Basics






Gap to non-disadvantaged






5+ Basics






Gap to non-disadvantaged






* Centre Assessed Grades

** Teacher assessed Grades

Outcomes in 2023 were not where they should be and do not show the fruits of the strategy so far.  Attainment shows small steps of improvements, and is improved from 2019 and 2022, but not at the accelerated rate that is needed.  Progress is slightly improved from 2022, but not compared to 2019 due to the prior attainment of the cohorts.

Impact of strategy to offer target support:

School Led Tuition Impact:

Long-term strategies:

  • 15-hour 3:1 online tuition Maths (15 students, 11 PP) +0.1 better progress
  • 15-hour 3:1 online tuition English (15 students, 12 PP) +0.54 better progress
  • 60-hour 3:1 in-school tuition Maths (12 students, 4 PP) +0.15 better progress
  • 60-hour 3:1 in-school tuition English (12 students, 5 PP) +0.44 better progress
  • 30-hour 3:1 in-school academic mentoring Maths (6 students, 4 PP) +1.03 better progress
  • 30-hour 3:1 in-school academic mentoring English (9 students, 4 PP) no better progress

Short-term strategies:

  • 15-hour over 3 days intensive revision Maths (43 students, 31 PP) +0.49 better progress 10-hour over 2 days intensive revision Maths (24 students, 11 PP) +0.04 better progress
  • 10-hour over 2 days intensive revision English (7 students, 4 PP) no better progress
  • 5-hour over 1 day intensive revision Maths (14 students, 8 PP) +0.34 better progress
  • 5-hour over 1 day intensive revision English (9 students, 4 PP) no better progress
  • 5-hour over 1 day intensive revision Science (8 students, 4 PP) +0.53 better progress

Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you purchased in the previous academic year. This will help the Department for Education identify which ones are popular in England



Scholars Programme

The Brilliant Club

Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT4)

GL assessments


Universify Education

Jamie’s Farm residential and weekly visit programmes

Jamie’s Farm

Student Coaching

Flourished Minds

Assertive Mentoring

Think For The Future

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement